Saturday, July 21, 2012

Super C

To put it simply-- Super C is one of the best NES games ever made. This game is a sequel to Contra, which was both an arcade and at-home hit on the NES. Super C is a side scrolling action game where you face off against alien creatures (many don't really look like aliens at all until you get to some of the later stages). Your character strongly resembles Rambo and he has numerous weapon power ups that frequently present themselves. There are a couple levels with an overhead perspective, and these levels are so well done that they could have been used to create an entirely different game. 

Controlling your character is incredibly simple and easy. Throughout the entirety of your jumps, you can smoothly move from left to right while shooting in any of the eight directions. When you die, it will be your fault. There are occasional cheap deaths, but there are only a couple sections in the game where you may feel that the game should have been a bit easier on you. Super C is a game where you are very much rewarded for practice. Even if you don't have the game memorized, you'll still fare quite well if you have the tempo down and master jumping and shooting. If you have the game memorized, you'll blow through numerous portions of the game at blazingly fast speeds.

This is one of the best 2-player experiences around. Not only is it advantageous to have a buddy there with you, but this is also a game where you are able to give up your lives if your partner has none. This is a feature that has been absent from gaming for a while and it is a real shame. It is the ultimate act of generosity!

Honestly, there aren't many bad points to the game. Some may argue that the spread gun is overpowered, but when you consider the fact that you die with only a single hit and lose the gun, it still takes much practice to make it through the game. Varying difficulty levels are absent from Super C, but this is the case with numerous NES titles. I will admit that some of the boss fights could have been a bit more challenging. There are pretty obvious patterns and blind spots that some bosses have and they are quite easy to exploit.

This is a game that should be in your collection. If you're looking for Super C online, it'll likely cost you somewhere between $12-$17, and it is well worth it.

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