Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No Zombies Allowed Mini Review

Remember when I mentioned Tiny Tower a couple posts ago? Well, No Zombies Allowed definitely takes some inspiration from that game, but it takes the gameplay elements to a much different direction.

Grr! This man solves his problems with violence!
The game is set in a post apocalyptic zombie-infested world. You start out with just one survivor, and your task is to build a society. This society is created by making a community with housing and businesses. To create a business, you need supplies and money. Supplies are gained by killing zombies and also going on supply runs. In the very front of your town, you have a sniper who can kill zombies that try to get in (I don't think zombies can actually breach your town, they are really just sitting ducks) and the supply runs surround you with zombies to kill before you are able to return home with some nice boxes of goods. A very cool aspect of this game is that you can choose to insert local businesses into the game (I have inserted my local library and church as two places where my characters can pick up supplies).

The businesses and housing work exactly in the same way as Tiny Tower: you hire three people for each business, you try to match the right personality for the right job, and you restock items when they run out. You can choose to speed up restocking and building by using a special currency, but I imagine that most people save this feature for when they are well into the game and building speeds are ridiculously slow. Similar to Tiny Tower, you can earn the game's special currency without actually spending real money, which is always a nice touch.

The businesses and housing are exactly the same as in Tiny Tower, but the interface is a little different. I do prefer the larger buttons in this game, as they are easier to press than the Tiny Tower ones.

I'm currently a little over a week into playing this game, and it is still a great deal of fun. In addition to a variety of housing styles and types of businesses, there are upgradable weapons to add to replayability. The graphics in the game are quite adorable, as your people are deformed and big headed. I haven't noticed any slowdown, even when there are multiple characters on screen; everything always seems to animate quite nicely.

Give No Zombies Allowed a try. If you don't like it, feel free to leave me a negative comment about my personal taste.

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