Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bronson: A Movie Review

A few posts ago, I mentioned how much I enjoyed the movie Drive  and that this would prompt me to give other movies from Nicolas Winding Refn a chance. I decided to give his movie Bronson the chance, and he failed me. Although I enjoyed the simplicity of Drive, this movie is simple and doesn't have anything behind it.

The movie is based on British prisoner Charles Bronson (a name that he adopted based on the suggestion of his "boxing promoter") and his enjoyment of fighting and prison. Somehow, he is loved by many people and thought of as a brilliant eccentric instead of a thug. Honestly, I don't have enough background information beyond the story and I don't care to do the research to find out why people find him to be cool. Perhaps he has a similar allure to that of a gangsta rapper?

Tom Hardy plays Charles Bronson in the movie and he ate lots of food and worked out for the role. Something that I just cannot stand is when an actor is given praise based on the fact that they either ate lots of food or went to the gym for a few months. Oh my goodness! Tom Hardy went to the gym and exercised for this role!  Oh my goodness! Anyone would eat lots of food or go to the gym for lots of money, likely accepting 1/1,000th of whatever salary a C list actor would get. If he gained 200 pounds and became morbidly obese, I'd be able to appreciate it. And I guess Tom Hardy should also get a medal for shaving his head.

Bronson (movie) (Right) Tom Hardy as Michael Peterson/Charles Bronson in "Bronson."
Watching this movie feels like being punched in the face.

Hardy makes stupid faces, says silly things, and yells often. Then he gets into poorly choreographed fights, some of which take place in slow motion. There's nothing to it. It is really, really dull. Does the real Charles Bronson make stupid faces, say silly things, yell often, and get into fights? I don't really care; even if he does, there's no reason that the movie can't give me more than that. That is literally all the movie is, and it bored me. The ending felt abrupt, but it gave me relief.

Also, it is funny that the music from the ending (and possibly the beginning) of this movie is the same music that is featured in Drive. 

I give this movie 3 stars out of 10. Don't watch it. 

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